Select this field of practice if you are, or training to be, a physician: M.D., D.O., D.P.M.,D.D.S, D.M.D., etc.
Select this field of practice if you are, or training to be, in the field of nursing: APRN,NP, CRNA, RN, LPN, CNA, etc.
Select this field of practice if your clinical health profession is, or will be, distinct from physician, dentistry, or nursing. This includes all Therapists, Technicians, Assistants, etc.
Select this field of practice if you are an employer, recruiter, sales representative, or other professional interested in connecting with healthcare professionals for professional purposes.
Are you sure you want to delete this pay package? This action cannot be reversed.
Are you sure you want to remove this pay package offered to you? This action cannot be reversed, and the package will no longer be accessible to you.
We created our pay product to empower travel healthcare professionals with the same robust pay calculation tools that employers use to calculate pay. One of the side benefits is information.
The “All Pay Packages” section lists all the pay packages that users have submitted on BluePipes since we launched the product in July, 2021. All packages are anonymous. You can search, view, compare and clone pay packages.
Over time, as more travelers contribute to the community, we’ll be able to provide you with powerful pay related insights!
The “All Pay Packages” section lists all the public pay packages that users have submitted on BluePipes since we launched the product in July, 2021. Anyone is free to search, view, clone and compare these pay packages.
Please note: Any pay packages you have marked “Private” or that you have submitted as an offer to a professional will never be displayed here.
The “My Pay Packages” section lists only your pay packages. Pay packages that you have entered or cloned are listed here. Also, pay packages that employers have offered to you are listed here.
You can search, view, edit, clone, compare and delete these pay packages.
The “My Pay Packages” section lists only your pay packages. Pay packages that you have entered or cloned are listed here. Also, pay packages that you have offered to candidates are listed here.
You can search, view, edit, clone, compare and delete these pay packages.
Quotes are submitted by healthcare professionals. You can obtain a pay quote from anywhere and use the BluePipes Pay Calculator to help you evaluate and compare pay packages.
Offers are submitted by recruiters and employers who use the BluePipes Pay Calculator to help them communicate their pay packages.
This is the pay package's mini-profile. It displays some of the more important details and provides various action options.
Hours and Duration:
Time is one of a pay package's most important variables. The time in a contract, the higher the pay variables should be all else being equal.
Housing and Medical Benefits:
These show who is paying for housing and medical benefits, the Company or the Traveler. If the Company is paying for the housing and benefits, then the remaining pay variables will be lower all else being equal.
Blended Pay:
This is the blended hourly rate that the paychecks should be based on. It includes the hourly value of taxable base rate plus the hourly value of the lodging reimbursement and M&IE reimbursement. We also subtract any charges for medical benefits.
Weekly Gross:
This is an estimate of the weekly gross pay. We multiply the Blended Rate by the number of hours per week.
View the full details of this pay package.
Select 2 pay packages on any page of the "All Pay Packages" or the "My Pay Packages" pages, then select Compare for a side-by-side comparison.
Select Clone to create your own copy of this pay package
so you can edit it to simplify the entry of a new pay package
(If you are a professional, clones you make will NOT appear in the "All Pay Packages"
list until you make changes to the clone. If you are an employer, your clones will initially
be marked as "Private" and will NOT appear on the "All Packages Page" list until you make changes
to the clone, select "Public" in the "Overview" section of the "Edit Pay Package" page and save your changes.
Additional resources: